Thursday 27 October 2011

Gingerbread men wearing Y-fronts.

Darling boy, Little brother and I went to a friend's house for tea recently and what would be better suited than a team of cheeky gingerbread men and ladies to take along with us.  I haven't ever iced like this before, it's tricky but good fun.


  1. So cute! I have a great appreciation for the time these take. I once decorated trout for a fishing event. The first few looked very real - like rainbow trout. The last several looked more like a Picasso painting!

    re: gingerbread men...once on my birthday, I received a package from friends with about 30 undecorated gingerbread men in it. The note said, "we thought you'd enjoy 30 naked men for your birthday" !!!! hahhahah Loved it.
