Thursday 28 May 2009

On Sunday we had family coming over, and Marvelous mum was busy in the kitchen- where she is such a star, preparing a delicious lamb dish roasted with all sorts of scrumptious spices.

Marvelous mum had asked me to make pud and the day before whilst in the supermarket decided that chocolate cheesecake would be a good partner to lamb in the summer, eaten in the garden.  I half guessed what might be needed for such a feast.  Once I had found a recipe I liked the look of from t'internet (a Gordon Ramsey recipe, and whilst I'm not a fan of all the swearing and shouting, I have to admit, the cake did sound good)

A short trip back to the supermarket to pick up the forgotten ingredients later and after dinner, I set to in the kitchen.  Marvelous mum and Brainy bro lent a hand and before long the cheesecake was sitting in the oven.  After 30 minutes of cooking, I turned off the heat and left the cheesecake overnight to slowly cool (did ya' know this prevents it cracking, clever eh?!)

Lunch time the next day rolled 
around, and the cheesecake went down a storm.  The berries went nicely with the sweetness.  The swirls of dark chocolate hadn't incorporated into the cake as I had imagined, and had set hard. However, when sliced into, it did give a nice contrast (very reminiscent of Magic Topping, the most fantastic icecream topping of my childhood) 

Only in the Ramsey cheesecake, it was a slightly more grown up version.

1 comment:

  1. your cheesecake sounds divine! I am the cheesecake queen around here. I have a ton of flavors if you are interested in trying some new combos. I too, had the same problem with the chocolate being hard in the cheesecake. As I recall, blending with some shortening or even a little heavy cream did the trick. Also, two other tricks to avoid cracking - one don't overbake (you've got that down) and two, about 10 minutes after removing from the oven, run a knife around the edge. although you let it sit in the oven overnight, hmmm, so it would already be cool by the time you take it out. Ok, so tip #2 probably wouldn't apply to you! Most people overbake theirs. Yours looks spot on! creamy, the way I like it!
